Dallas TOR Report
Posted by Jason Spangler on

The 2nd stop on the Trade-O-Ree circuit for Best Hobby Pages in 2018 was the Dallas TOR which is held at the Grapevine Convention Center. So far as I know the full BHP inventory had never been to a Dallas Trade-O-Ree so this was a good opportunity to introduce the product to collectors in that region. Several people did make small purchases to test out the archival envelope and page system. However one of the best known collectors in that area, Tracy Mesler, made a deal to take home several hundred dollars worth to test out on his extensive Region...
Free Pick Up @ Indy TOR
Posted by Jason Spangler on

I know that one of the great things about taking Best Hobby Pages on the road is that collectors can afford to purchase more product when they are not doing the math on shipping fees. I'm taking BHP to several Boy Scout memorabilia shows this year it makes sense to help collectors place an order for pickup and skip the s&h charges. If you want to place an order for the Indy TOR coming up the weekend of Feb 2-3, 2018 you can do so before 10 PM Est Wednesday January 31 and I'll bring it. At checkout there is... – Got Plastic? We Do!
Posted by Jason Spangler on

This was the scene in August of 2017 when Joe Klos and I started the partnership that finally culminated recently in me becoming the new owner of Best Hobby Pages. After moving to Maryland for a new job opportunity the BHP product was in a storage unit back in Fredericksburg, VA. I met Joe there with a rented U-Haul truck and loaded up the cases of product and supplies. For the rest of 2017 I handled fulfillment for the the company and took BHP to several TORs to sell it in person. When the year came to a close we...
Coming To A Trade-O-Ree Near You
Posted by Jason Spangler on

Best Hobby Pages Is Coming To A TOR Near You! In 2018 I'm taking BHP on the road to several Trade-O-Rees so that collectors can get their favorite product without having to pay shipping. If you want me to bring an order for you to a show so you can save on shipping contact me to make arrangements at January 12-13 South Carolina TOR in Easley, SC January 19-20 Dallas TOR in Grapevine, TX February 2-3 Indy TOR in Indianapolis, IN February 23-24 Eastern VA TOR in Norfolk, VA April 6-7 Charlotte TOR in Charlotte, NC July TBD, Pre-NOAC...
Super Fans
Posted by Jason Spangler on

I listen to a lot of podcasts about the eCommerce world since my B.A. in History from the University of South Carolina didn't cover that topic in the 1990s. ;) On a recent episode the guest described the "review economy" that we live in today. My wife works for a Business Magazine as a Senior Editor and I asked her if she had ever heard of that term. She in response scolded me for believing everything these online entrepreneurs opine about. However, it's undeniable that in retail today people are looking for unbiased reviews before making purchasing decisions. We all...